Thursday, 14 January 2021

Trogons outing to Lake Eland on 17 January is CANCELLED

 Dear Members

Please note that our visit to Lake Eland has been cancelled due to the restrictions of the new covid rules, ie No gatherings inside our outside.  We will fit in this popular venue during the year and keep you advised of February outings as rules change (hopefully).

Kind regards
Hazel van Rooyen

Saturday, 9 January 2021


Dear Members and Friends

South Coast Trogons are back in business and our first outing of 2021 will be to Lake Eland Game Reserve on 17 January, meeting at 7am in the car park at Lake Eland.  This is providing lockdown restrictions are not raised beforehand.

Kind regards
Hazel van Rooyen (Secretary)
on behalf of
Barrie Willis