Sunday, 9 February 2014

Official launch of Barry Porter Memorial Hide 8th February 2014

By Andy Ruffle

(Photo Lennart Eriksson)
Some 40 guests attended the official launch and naming of our Barry Porter Memorial Hide. They comprised representatives from UGU South Coast Tourism, representatives from Ezinqoleni Municipality, representatives from Ezinqoleni Tourism, BirdLife Trogons members, family members of Barry Porter, Mike & Heidi Neethling, representatives from the local tourism industry and  members of the media.

We assembled at Leopard Rock Coffee Shop before doubling up in cars and setting off to the hide.

Proceedings were opened by myself with a speech welcoming attendees, explaining briefly how the hide came about and thanking all those involved in bringing this exciting project to life.

Andy Ruffle
(Photo Lennart Eriksson)

Howard Kelly, who is on the Board of Directors of UGU South Coast Tourism (Pty) Ltd, then explained how and why UGU SCT became involved in this project.

Howard Kelly
(Photo Doug Butcher)

Next, Warren Porter, Barry’s son, gave a short speech about his father.

Warren Porter
(Photo Doug Butcher)

This was followed by Mike Neethling telling us some fascinating facts and figures about Cape Vultures.

Mike Neethling
(Photo Lennart Eriksson)

Warren Porter was then asked to the cut the ribbon and formally open the hide.

Andy Ruffle with Warren Porter - ribbon cutting
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)
Andy thanks Warren
(Photo Lennart Eriksson)

Carol Kent, from Ezinqoleni Tourism, then gave a closing speech.

Carol Kent
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)

With the formal proceedings completed, attendees were eager to check out the hide and experience the vultures for themselves. Mike enthusiastically offered information as guests surveyed the vulture restaurant and then went to the cliffs.

(Photo Doug Butcher)
(Photo Doug Butcher)
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)
(Photo Hazel van Rooyen)
(Photo Doug Butcher)
(Photo Doug Butcher)

The gathering finally moved back to Leopard Rock for refreshments.
The launch was an overwhelming success and we have received nothing but positive feedback.
Certainly a day BirdLife Trogons can be very proud of!!

There are some more photos on our facebook group here.

Thanks go to the photo contributors

1 comment:

  1. Another stepping stone in place for Oribi Tourism.. Well done everyone I am sorry I missed this momentous occasion.
